Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What wondrous fresh the eye that sees

What wondrous fresh the eye that sees
Beyond the least of these
When tempted, trial, and tortured true
Give this oft wearied soul a grander view

All much clearer and more real
All has but greater depth and thrill
To take in breath and to breathe it
Complete and full

To watch the passing of time
To ponder to reflect
What a richly depraved despair
Lingers in this air

All round a mindless humming is found
None can say where it goes or where it comes
Who but ceases and stops for it
None shall wait or hesitate

For in this deception
Only one remains
Its desires only drive within
And lead it to all sorts of sin

How easily it gets under ones skin
So smooth, so sweet
Yet how it burns, it bites
It yearns for more

Til the whore is ravaged
And left for dead
Still self served
Steals away
To seek its next prey

Ah, where then is hope
Doth it remain
In the streets of this bleak existence
In the shadows

No, it is here
Amidst the despair
Amidst all the wild
And drawn out affair

It waits patiently
For any who would cry out
If your there
Come quickly
And free me
From this despair

Come now before all breath is gone
Release me (if thee can) from the bonds
How they bear me down

Oh if to be free
Shall it scarced ever be
If eternity
Hath any hope
Beyond this human hell

Than bring it me
And cast me from this cruel spell
For all surround are criminal bound
Stealing all that may be found
Before daylight reveal

Yea there is still light
That lingers down this narrow corridor
It still shines (faintly)
To all those who seek to find

So may they find
Peace to a troubled mind
Release from the worries that bind
Freedom from the bondage within

And so cry out in joy
At last at last
Hath found an end
At last hath found
Thy greatest friend

Hath restored this sorrowed soul
And brought it home
At last at last
These sorrows cease
For joy hath here found
In this Prince of Peace

-Joshua Lee Foist

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