Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

That which was and is and are

That which was and is and are
Shall but be had been will be
Where ere the days and hours go
Whether fast or slow

Seize that which is
Whether in a moment it fade
Or last ere long
Till its finite note
Hath tolled

If we but grow young or old
In what fashion shall see
May it be simply surprisingly
Splendid indeed

For moments cannot be gathered again
But reflected and reminiscent at best
Tis all that life shall give

So look round
And pause to touch the ground
Look round to see
The granded mystery

Discover while thee may
What newness brings this day
While all are but stealing away
Embrace each moment and memory of day

Smile that cheer
All others are near
Fear not but love
Despite what hostile plight
Engage the wrong with right

So shall thee find all
That is pleasing in thy sight
Fighting for good
Forgiving that which is unkind

And surely twill find
A joy like none other
When thee live at peace
With thine brother

The days will be brighter
The nights far quieter
When thee love one another
Throughout all the strife
Thee endure in life

-Joshua Lee Foist

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