Climbing the Heights

Monday, May 3, 2010

So wrap me in thy wondrous arms

So wrap me in thy wondrous arms
Safe and peacefully from all harm
When in shadow steal me away
To thy glories rise upon waking rays of day

Catch me in thy tender wing
Shield me from the blazing stream
That bears me down till near I break
Open thy golden gates burst them forth
With thundrous quakes

For all doth settle as the sea and sand
Where ere thee direct them with thy hand
Shall not one speck replace
Without thy abounding grace

Till we shall see thy glory full
Twill be to see thee face to face
For then thy mysteries shall reveal
When we shall see them for what is real

Until the dawning of that day
Steadfast remain we
Until thee shall take us all away

For then what sin
Shall be shadows ceasing
When we decreasing
Thou increasing
Find thy peace and rest
For there shall we be
Forever blest

-Joshua Lee Foist

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