Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What disinterest dwells within me

What disinterest dwells within me
Desire drifts away a little more each day
And the weight slowly presses in
Little by little colors begin to fade

So gray this ominous view
It doth grip me with wonder
And strips me of the joy which once I knew

Sorrow shades the sadness that stains
Superficial smiles surface awhile
But slowly fade away
Out of the lonesome day

Turning, tossing, tearing within
Wandring, wallowing, wasting away
Seasons and shadows
Portraits of day

All are but wasting, wasting away
Early morn and laten eve
Each melancholy has its moment of bereave

But beneath this barrier
Lies a soul once merrier
Longing to be free
Hoping once more
To find something
To adore

Earnestly waiting
Waiting and wondering
If ever joy will return
Return to it once more

-Joshua Lee Foist

Monday, January 18, 2010

In these five short minutes

In these five short minutes
Who can say where ere these seconds may slip away
Whether the temperature may rise or fall
Or if it shall change at all

But surely something will come
Before this moment is done
While oft my thoughts steal me away
To the present anxiety of the day

I pray in some small way
I might pause and take in
The wondrous new day
As it begins

-Joshua Lee Foist

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blow winds of winter

Blow winds of winter
Where ere thee may
Blow to Spring
And too bring
Thee joy of life
Once More

Thy deadened branch
Hath caught thy chill
And lost all will to live

Yet life lives on in thy sap
Ere this season departs
Soon shall find the longing
Of thy heart

For then twill life anew
Thy branches pursue
With new awakened blossoms
Bursting forth into the morning light

So shall it be
Once more

All shall be fresh and new
When thee hath found thy taste
For dew and drink it sure and true
Thy roots will sweetly sing
Of the joy of Spring

Cometh soon
To warm thee
And bring new life
To a soul once lost
In despair
Now found repair
In heaven's gentle

-Joshua Lee Foist

Friday, January 1, 2010

This life is wondrous full of possibility

This life is wondrous full of possibility
Of happen chance and improbability
Such inexplicable fate
Lies ahead for those who do not hesitate

To live, to live is life
Living free and full
Not withholding to anything
That comes in its way

But giving the most
To each and every day
Not letting the seconds
Slip away

But forever and everyday
Living for what may

Come now to the moment that is
And what ahead
Can be anything true

All in the mind
Of meaning and virtue
For those who live for their dreams
And dream to live
Most anything

The future lies ere before us
And it will not ignore us
So let us free and full
Run on ahead

With not a moment to waste
We make the greatest haste
Toward the infinite and unknown

For what lies ahead

And what before it
Ere wonderful
Than these words said

-Joshua Lee Foist