Climbing the Heights

Monday, May 17, 2010

Still tender heart still

Still tender heart still
Lie thee soft
Amidst thy troubled heart
Ache in thy trials
Awake for not all here
Need lead thee to despair

Open thy eyes to see
The wide expanse before thee
Gaze within this devined glory
For here lies a far grander imagined story

Fields flourishing in the fullness
Of this presence
That hath given all existence

None so faithful as this
Doth envelope all truth
Sweeter than the most splendid kiss

All warmth and imagining is found in this
Through trial and tribulation
Thy one destination tis here

Where the air is so sweet
Here shall fall thee
At His feet
In wonder

Where all thy troubles cease
In a most profounded peace
Find thee release
From all thy worries of mind
And remain forever
Separated from thy former pain
Ne'er longer twill it remain
With thee

For now tis none other
Than thy once forgotten

Hath borne all thy trial
In His body
That thee may share a life
Far greater than can words express

No more shall sorrow
And loneliness fill thee
None but His love
So rich and full
Faithful and complete

May all desires
And passions meet
Within this one
Who shall carry thee

While still awhile
Remain in this place
This grace shall
Thee embrace

When over and again
Find thee in the bondage
Of thy sin
Run in run in
To Him

Who hath borne
Thy sin
Within his skin
And reconciled
All the defiled
Of men

And called them
His own kin
All who would
Run to Him

Come and bury
All thy doubts
And fears
That hath plagued thee
Through the years

All shall be made new
When thy dept laid
Upon Him who can only
Bear all the price
Thy burden be paid

All restored
In Him
Thy brother, thy friend
Thy captain, thy king
The great ruler
Of everything

-Joshua Lee Foist

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