Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Such beauty most glorious

Such beauty most glorious
Is found only in you
For it only is pure
And true

It's tenderness tingles
Every hair stands on end
When it finds such solace
Such comfort
In its true friend

None other is faithful
Yet when it is found
Such joy within
Doth abound

And it is wondrous
To behold such benevolence
It gushes out of all who find it
For it cannot be contained

It surely is an untamed thing
Yet for those who know it
It doth splendorous satisfaction bring

Yea all beauty is bound
In the creator of it
For the thing is but a small taste
Of the thing which bore it
With such love and care

Tis glorious and good
When the thing which was created
Leaps for joy in discovery
Of its long lost love
Found in the one
Who did bring it life

-Joshua Lee Foist

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