Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So strip away the sorrow and the sadness

So strip away the sorrow and the sadness
Fill this down trodden heart with gladness
For the days that have been
And the days that are to come
May each one
Spring forth with joy

Whether in wealth
Or in rags
May these eyes
Look toward the light
That shines through
May it always and only
Seek after you

Strip away the pride
That is held inside
The ugliness and the pain
All that is bitter
May it no more remain

So scatter these thoughts
That would linger
On what is not possessed
Or purchased
For all that is desired
In this flawed world of man
Will soon decay
And drift away
And turn to dust and clay

May these eyes not look with envy
Or lust in this loneliness
For what is not pure and holy
May they seek thee solely
And fully in all that can be sought

And comfort this heart
May it be content
In the one who was sent
And find all that is ever needed
In this perfect one

For truly all others will
Soon fade away
What beauty is found today
Will soon wash away

And may this life
Seek to be lost
In the one
Who can find it

And love
In the way it was intended
Completely and perfectly
With no strings attached
Despite the wrong that is done
So will it
Love on

And so may this love inspire
That which is within this wretched spirit
May it learn to love in kind
Not only the one who loves
But also those whom love
Will never know

For there's is a cruel path
And they seek only to snatch
What joy is found in others
They seek to quench
The love that remains
True and pure
In these few forgotten souls

Yet toil not to think on them
For indeed they will find their judgment
Surely and swiftly
On a day they will not know

Yet think not on these things
But rather reflect on the goodness
That hath been shown thee
And rest in the knowledge
That thee are truly loved
More richly and abundantly
Than thee will ever
Truly know

And so rest in this assurance
Yes, rest
And love with a pure and holy love
As thee have been shown
That those round may know
The hope of which thee have

Yea may they seek it
And find it
That they too
May find what is
Right and True

-Joshua Lee Foist

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