Climbing the Heights

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let not this idle tongue lead thee astray

Let not this idle tongue lead thee astray
When little rest is in thee
And this anxious day
Do not throw thy words so carelessly away

For oft they will mislead
They will cut deep
Beneath thy sorrowful state
Let not thy words breed hate

May self control be thy ally
It may keep thee
From losing thy company

For words oft potent prove
What lies within
Whether good or sin

Speak thee cautious
And tender
That thy words thee remember
May be tasteful and true

May they speak well of you
As they descend like drops of dew
May they refresh and restore

That they may give life
To those without
And bring comfort
To those in doubt

So may thy words
Ever and oft be about

-Joshua Lee Foist

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