Thursday, December 11, 2014
Beneath the shadows of my sin
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Break Me of Me
Monday, November 24, 2014
May not my status lie
In what others think
Save in thy own
Great pleasure
May I ere
To treasure thee
More as thou
Dost me
For where
I may flee
No where else
Can I
That you
Are not
Nor death
To save
For thy life
And here
Is love
The kind
I all too oft
To give
To live
In such
A way
Each and every
Day thou grants
So fond of
My life is hidden
With thee
And it need be
No mystery
So may my waking
And dying breath
Ever be
Oft and only
For thee
No matter
What trial
Or joy may be
Thou art
The only life
I know
That will never
Cease to bring
Me sweet
And fullest
To fill
My doubting
Hope beyond
All mankind
Thou art
And more
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, October 26, 2014
As Shadows Descend
Saturday, September 27, 2014
As to return
I once more
To this place
Wherefore all
My wandering
Seems a disgrace
Yet still
Embrace I
All that you
Have brought
Me through
What love
Is this
That steals
This kiss
And sacrifice
All for me
So change in me
And humble be
My heart
For that which
Is hard pressed
Upon me
Bring me
To thy side
Always in thee
May I abide
And fear be
That all my
Hope repeating
My heart
Still beating
You in grief
In sorrow
No other
Shall I borrow
For thy grace
So now
Love within
And depend
I all on thee
And courage
That I may
In thee
Be one
In mind
And spirit
And share
This love
That you
Have brought
In me
So now
We change
Though once
A child
Was I
Now I
A man
And mirror
Within mirror
Shade within shade
This hope that will not
Fade in passing
Reminds of where
We begin
And where we
Shall one day be
Face to face
And fully
As we are
-Joshua Lee Foist
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Reminiscing as I Do
Upon the morning scene
Reflecting on the things
That had been
And that which may yet be
For in my naivety
How oft I thought of my will
Than thine alone
So as to that which lies
Yet ahead
So guide me
In thy grace
To seek thy face
In all things
Thy faith secure
Shall guide me
For all my desires
Become thy own
Thy divine power
Shower over me
And lead me
In thy pathes
Of righteousness
Till that day
When all shall
Be made new
And at last
I shall be
With you
-Joshua Lee Foist
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Surrendering all to that which shall never fade
For all my hope is stayed upon Him
And all fleeting fantasies
Find their fancies no more
For all that I do adore
May it lie with thee
And thee alone
This much is sure
None other
Shall I seek
Though I am weak
Thy joy untamed
My hope beyond lies
In you who know me
Full well
Strip me of my idolatry
For acceptance
May it only be in you
Who remain true
For all as I
Are but fallen
And broken
Thy love alone
Be my living hope
This joy I know
Shall not fade
But increasing
All the more
As I reach
The other shore
Where thy
Celestial lands
Begin and sorrows
Are at their end
For here come
My savior friend
Brother and king
The hope of everything
For which my soul
Doth sing
Tis here
-Joshua Lee Foist
Friday, August 15, 2014
How do I let you go
Monday, July 28, 2014
Bring me to thy light
And all for which
I do delight
Cast me from this shadow
Of sin and obsession
For my false profession
May faith find me
Renewed by thy
Unchanging presence
For all I have
Oft upheld
As my own
I do so surrender
To thy throne
And claim thee
As my own
For my price
Hath paid
My life tis saved
And this not of myself
Thy death and life
Have proved
Thy love
From me
The least of these
And greatest of failures
For all my
So create in me
A new self
All of once I knew
That I may oft
And only
Desire you
And you
Above all others
For whether
Any other
This life may find
Thy love alone
No other can give
So by thy power
And truth
May I live
Free of all other
Thee alone
My one
And great
-Joshua Lee Foist
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Once more to wade and wander
Upon the uncharted sea
Of my own melancholy
Exposed for what it
Dare could be
Oh hope
That trials
Within me
And doubt
Would have me
In its vain conceit
I bear thee no more
For though the light
Through that open door
Tis a thing most glorious
And which I do so much abhor
Tis more of guilt than guile
For while I here gaze
My inward soul doth praise
At last to see the light of rest
And endless days
To know the truth
And always
For too long
Have I sung
This tiresome
Dependent I
On all others
Whether sisters
Or brothers
Save not on that which
Is most safe and true
The only one I do
So much depend
Ah so then
To crucify
My old obsessions
And have thee
At thy word
So teach me this
That I myself deny
And trust thee alone
Fill my faith
And grow within
Let not doubt
Weed its way in
So as I
And cast
May my only gaze
Be upon you
All days
For I have no other hope
Then thou alone
Who cannot fail
So in thy truth
May I only sail
The shores of that
Isle of salvation
My one and only
-Joshua Lee Foist
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
For where do I place my affections
Saturday, July 5, 2014
What now for love and comfort
Thou has found me
Content in my own
What for oh love
Tis not thee I seek
But my own self
To be satisfied
And thee objectified
Tis but folly
And facade
A demigod
Of my own creation
My approximation
Of thy authentic kind
Yet where oh love
Can one find
Such a love
As thee
Oh love
For all my
Love why
Do thou remain
So faithful
When all I know
Tis folly
Of my own
And all
Succumb to my own
Deceit oh love
Break me of this
For thy tender kiss
I dare reminisce
Save even this
Tis loneliness
To give without
Thou hast
No reservation
Oh love
Show me how
To love as thee
For I am all
To love for love's sake
And not my own
So love
Be in me
As thou
Has taught
And catch me
In thy gaze
And hold me fast
For only this love
Will surely last
So keep me
From all
And humble me
That I unselfishly
May so love
The least of these
As thou so graciously
Hath loved me
For who I am
And not as I should be
-Joshua Lee Foist
Friday, June 27, 2014
Rest mine eyes upon thy face
Upon thy steadfast grace
Which carries me
Through the storm
Though oft my foot
May slip
And fall
So search
My soul
And take
For all I am
No hiding
From thee
So turn my will
To thine alone
For I dare not
Trust my own
Long have I strayed
In my own way
And where hath it
Brought me each day
Save to you
Who knows me
Best of all
Though I weep
Though I crawl
Have me
One and all
I am desperately
In need and none other
Dare I heed than
Thou who didst bleed
That my heart
May heal
For thou
Art real
The one and only
None ere beside
Dare to suffer
So for me
So take me
Hopeless yet
Hopeful for thee
Can I flee
From thy
And wonder be
The thought of thee
Who will not
So trudge I
The raging sea
In sheer serenity
For thou art with me
And guide me
By faith and hand
To thy glorious land
-Joshua Lee Foist
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Now to this unsettled feeling
Now to this unsettled feeling
When well I know I must remain
For all I hope tis lost
Tis vain in me
For well I know
My heart my mind
Tis fleeting
God help me
Though I long
May thou be
My one true song
While all the world
Beside shall thee
In I always abide
Thy will be my guide
In time shall you provide
-Joshua Lee Foist
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Now to that glorious awakening
Where all other things forsaking
To come and be present
In this place
Where shadows may come
And lingering be
Yet still thy light
Illuminating me
Oh faith do find
In me the ability
Save not flee
Oh errant desires
May thy joy rest
Upon me
Where doubt
There be
May it flee
Oh to awaken
To that joyous land
Though a far way off
Still along the horizon
It yet lies
Mine eyes
Shall trace
Its gentle grace
Though fear may come
As quickening in the night
Oh faith be my sight
To hold the candle light
Reveal thy truth
May it be my saving proof
That thou art unchanged
And so I too though changing
My heart
Longs more
And more for you
Who shall ere remain
Through doubt and pain
So cast mine eyes
Upon thy face
To find
My hope
My joy renewed
Shall carry me
Through this tempest at sea
Though currents may catch me
Thy will shall carry me
Safely to shore
And there at last
All present and future
Past as one shall be
When come I to be
With thee
Then no more
The darkness shall I
Wake to see
For thy joy
And light
Shall always
Delight in me
Boundless free
Thou remain in me
And I with thee
Through all
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Break me of my false pretenses
Saturday, May 10, 2014
I shall awhile with thee wander once more
In the air of that far off land
In the gaze of that garden of green
In the shadows of that greater land
Amidst the meadows of that better country
The air is rich and full sweet
Filled with the fragrance of thy unbridled creation
And though these are but passing portraits
They are a welcome respite of that
Which is yet to come
The sum of them
Is ne'er enough
Though of their eternal architect
The author of their existence
Is far beyond wreckening
And wild in His wonder
His glory beyond
All comprehension
Of all the greatest thunder
And tempests at sea
Are but a jest to His
Glorious majesty
His presence alone
Doth prick every hair
To stand on end
They all as one
With gladness
Bow in boundless
Exaltation before the Lord
Of all creation
King of that Greater Land
Who formed them not
By His hand
But the thought
The word
Flesh that dwelt
And dwells
Amongst us
No one is greater
Yet to taste and see
And bask in His
Wonder beyond all wonders
And though the memory
Of this passing shadow
But a moment lingers
The longing
That comes
Far greater
Doth surge
Within the vessel
Of every vein
For it longs
To be in that place again
Yet glory of all
These ancient wonders
The knowledge
And wisdom that come
From His Words
Doth fill the void
Of time and space
So sweet the substance
Of their choice taste
Doth tickle the tongue
When from the mouth
Is spronge
So release the joy
Of that exaltation
And may it ere to be
As one declaration
Though in this broken land
We may awhile remain
There is a hope that yet
Is found within the cracks
Of this dying wasteland
And it speaks of a life anew
It warms and glistens
With the goodness of that
Greater Kingdom
When all burdened breath
Shall no more be born
Then come the dawn
Of that new day
Where all shall be
Made new
And joy of joy
Shall we be home
-Joshua Lee Foist
Wherefore ere the sun shall rise
Look on with expectant eyes
And hope in this passing breath
Release my worry and stress
For me not devise
A cruel disguise
Let truth surprise
And open eyes
To see thy very great and wise
Who alone can know and fill
Thou alone still and still
Wake my slumber
No more in shadows
Hide for in thee
Shall I always
My joy
My pride
In thee alone
Shall I confide
For thou art king
And I thy bride
Thy hope of one day
While here betrothed
This vow
May I by it
Always live
And to another
Ne'er to seek
For none in they
Shall wash away
Or know me
As thou
Dost know me
In the deep
And dark
Bring to my
Lonesome heart
Depart oh fear
By faith
Be filled
Thy truth
To this frail
Canst ere
The dust
Of this broken land
Ere to meet
The grace
Of thy pierced hand
For love alone
Did form this place
And love alone
To carry discrace
To save that some
May return
And reconcile
To thee
Alone shall
Find and not
Another to bind
Of this grafted vine
Shall make me
Thine own
-Joshua Lee Foist
Thursday, May 1, 2014
What ere a day may come
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Tear down the walls of this counterfeit kingdom
Saturday, April 19, 2014
From my weakness make me strong
From my weakness make me strong
In my strength humble me
Break down my kingdom
And may yours come
In me
Still my tongue
Till it drips of kindness
And tender be my ways
Soften my heart
Breath courage through
My gaping wounds
Wrap thy wisdom and grace
Round my heart
So set my eyes
On thy sweet sacrifice
Will my ways to
Sing thy praise
Humble me
And fill me
With strength
And love
To serve as thou
Hast from above
To set aside
My pride
And surrender
My spirit
Be filled
In thee
To deny all that
Which fleeting be
To taste that which
Open my heart
To a broken people
Love not of my own
Become me
My life no more
Save in thy keeping
Be my one and only
Thought pursuing
Live I to die
That others might live
To taste and see
That thou art good
Oh source of life
Be always near me
Thy will be mine
A grafted vine
Bear thy fruit
Upon this resurrected
The wine of thy
Eternal fount
Fill my veins
And nourish me
In the drought
And dark
Thy spark
A flame
To fire me
Unquenched consume
And conquer me
That all remain
Thy one and only
Wherefore this life
I fleeting find
Be thou alone
My every ambition
And so desire
That dares to dream
Dream on the theme
Of thy kingdom come
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Now no more for envy
And jealousy
Begone oh fear
Thou art a cancer
And cruel thy ways
That seek thine own
But only to fear
Thou who knowest me
And formed me
And loves me still
Thou art enough
And as for worthless
Stuff that rages for my
May my one ambition
Be thus to praise
And find my joy
In you
No other beside
Whether earthly
Treasures find
They are but fleeting
Thou art ever
As I my desires
May these fruits
Be found in me
Love, joy, and peace
Release from me
My worry
Of all that
I cannot
Grant me service
And gentleness too
That what ere may come
Thy will in me be done
-Joshua Lee Foist
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Awakening though in dreamscape
While the isle of imagining
Finds its meaning
In this
Where might we sail
For time and trial
Hath proved
Some growth
Along the bay
The shifting sands
Have washed away
And revealed
A soul beneath
The clay
And seeking
Deeper still
To find
An open
The soul awakens
Anew to this world
Of you that always
Has been
Though long hath waited
For perseverance to prove
Its worth in time
This birth
At last
To come
And though
Much remains
Thy hope
Refreshed anew
In you
Thy life
Is here
And have
No fear
For what earthly
Trials await
Fade to compare
Of thy love
And certainty
To carry
Through what
Ere may come
Thou alone
Shall remain
And comfort
Through the
For all in thee
To gain
And then
The joy
Of this story
Life once
Its purpose
And provident
-Joshua Lee Foist
Friday, March 28, 2014
Let me awhile to wait and wonder
To plunder my way in the air of day
To walk the road less travelled
And find a joy in kind most real
To wade in thy world of peace
Release my worries
And welcome it in
Away my doubts
And fear before me
I shall no more of thee
This day for here I come
To ponder and pray
Here I come in earnest
Longing to be near you
Ever more and more
For dark the days
Of late I know
The shadow oft
Before me
Yet your presence
Enough finds me
Still and calms
My cares away
Where might we go
In this eve of day
Where may you
Lead me
Guide me
I pray where
You will this day
And beyond
For fragile my form
And feeble my mind
Tis no one in kind
That knows me
As you
Who formed
And fashioned
Me thus
And glorious
Most glorious
Thy works
Oh Lord
None less glorious
Thy hands cannot form
Tis all so good and very
Good as well it should be
Thy glory
Surrounds my
Anxious heart
And wakes it
To thy glorious
Art and ravish
In the inward parts
To welcome it full
My soul
To feed
In this thy
In this
My need
My heart
Is full
And found
Most whole
In thee
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, March 23, 2014
In the shifting shadows
Friday, March 14, 2014
An ale at eve
Thursday, March 13, 2014
When life it seemed a simpler thing
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Distant Twilight
Till all
Have run
Their course
And I
Sit upon
The sandy shore
Looking out
To that distant
Horizon of hope
Where might
Thou lead me
What path must
I walk
To left Or right
I cannot
Be Sure
So where to begin
And where to go
I cannot simply
Sit idly by
So faith
Carry me
And give me
For that
Inevitable truth
Guide me
Restore me
To thy peace
Fill me
Grant me
Thy joy
May my
Rise to thee
I pray my
Would not
Plague me
But draw me
Near to you
May my contentment
Be here with thee
For I cannot hope
To find my way
Thy truth
Hath shown
I am thy own
And none can
Take me from
So carry me
Through the desert
And the tempest
That here I may find
Peace and be still
Commit my plans
To thee
And persevere
Till thou shalt
Reveal thy
And calm
My fears
And open
My heart
- Joshua Lee Foist
Monday, March 10, 2014
Spring out oh field of open dreams
Let not thy fears or acceptance of years
Be thy guide upon the narrow path
For narrow the path that starts the course
But broad the way that leads after it
So distant the glimmer of early morn
Then extravagant the array of dawn turned day
The open horizon most glorious
And abundantly full of possibility
So grant me this great agility
To climb the heights most willingly
And unfraid be my countenance of courage
That charges on ahead knowing
Its by faith alone I tread
And all my hope is fed
So no more for fear of failure
Or what others may say
My one hope and thought I pray
That thou mayst guide
And in thee alone
May I abide
For my plans
Thy will and way
Shall ne'er to stray
So be my courage
And charge
Through all
The great
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Where might thou lead me
Deny in me that which is fleeting
Desires I find in thee
May they fill more and more
Open my eyes to see
The bountiful spread
Of thy joyous feast
Fill my heart with longing
For all my belonging
Lies here in thee
Where ere my appetites
Have been too small
A scrap of nurishment
Show me how to love
That which long
I have corrupted
Into that which
Was not intended
May thy good be found
In full and surrender I
My control to thee
So fill this gaunt being
In me that long hath
Filled upon the scraps
And never known
The taste of banquet halls
Where thy tables never
Empty of substance
For thy host is there
Oh great lamb
Once slain
So now regain
In me again
The joy of thee
For of thee I feed
And of thee my one
Greatest need
Found fulfilled
-Joshua Lee Foist
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Now to uncertainty, of that which was, and now may be
A cool wind hath chilled me to the bone
And awhile I was alone lost inside of me
Where distant melodies soothe
A weeping heart
That knows not the emotion to display
While others are busily away
About their preparation
And what to say
That battle long hath spent
And must not resent
No I must learn to love
Yet where shall I
Retire these thoughts
These dreams
These hopes
Where might my work
Be welcomed again
To where should I go
For all round the wind
Begins to blow
And I an uncharted sea
Of misory and meloncholy
For I know not what to say
But pray and hope
Tis all I know
For thou hast brought me
Here for a season
And then again
Shall this restless wanderer
Again find a peaceful shore
Be where it be
For when the search
No more shall find
I wading the waters
Blind and cold
Thy hand to guide
My wounded pride
Confide my cares
To thee
O Lord of my youth
I pray be my guide
For discouragement
Would long
So to take me
And thrash me
'Gainst these rocks
But thy foundation
Is sure and though I know
Not the cost didst bear
For my sake
May I yet still
Ne'er cease to doubt
Thy faithfulness
Whether in the green
Or valley bring
Thy manna
Enough to fill
And more
Thy bread of life
Tis all to feed
This hungry soul
A thousand years
For trials
An ephemoral
And then
When at last
To taste the air
Of that peaceful
No more waiting
For thy glory
And ravishing joy
Fade despair
And doubt
No more
For here lies home
Ahead for miles and miles
The ceaseless sands extend
No guardian here need defend
For its freedom
Long ago twas gained
And ruby red now
The joyous stain
Once of pain
Now the lamb once slain
Restored and walks
The peaceful shores
And extends his banquet
Halls to all who would
Come to join
In the feast
Where at last
Thy travels come
An end
And thou art always
Before thy one
And only
Dearest friend
-Joshua Lee Foist
Monday, March 3, 2014
Now I retire once more to my restless mind
And find I need more to repent
Of oft my discontent
For why I am
This way
As spring comes
And winter winds blow
The ice that chills
And warmth that melts away
The restless resentment
That oft may lodge in me
May it soften and soothe
And courage in me prove
To find my joy in you
Who know my every need
Before I plead
That thou should grant it me
Oh joy may I rest secure in thee
Sweet savior and not be lost
In fleeting fantasy
Or hope of requisite romanticy
The truth is far more compelling
And jarring though not acquired in taste
It transforms that which is waste
And gives it confidence
For in its acceptance
Find repentance and forgiveness
Full to shed the doubts and deceit
That oft may trip its feet
And in acceptance all
That ere may it seek
For there at last surrender
Doth bring a welcome change
And rest to find amidst the weary way
For long the road upon the day
When at last to find
A lodge along the path
For peace
Grants much release
From all that may
Be built upon
A heavy heart
So melt away
All the doubt
And fear
And come
Draw me near
To thee
And rest
Upon thee
Oh comfort
To trust in thee
And breath
Are here
And full
No more
The clouds
Of longing
Thy voice
Calms the winds
That whistle within
And welcome
This heart
That long hath sought
Though knew the way not
And at last did find
When thy gate keeper
Didst draw this one near
No more rejected
But by thee perfected
And made whole
-Joshua Lee Foist
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Lost in the rain dance
The me beside myself
Are you still listening
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Have thy way with me
Open mine eyes that they may see
Surrender all my insecurity
And may thy will be done in me
For all within that would cloud my mind
Would steal my joy and darkness find
So shine thy light expose my fear
And cause thy grace to flutter near
Breathe in me thy bountiful courage
Carry me and do not discourage
For oft have I inward sought
Where lies disguise the truth
Be thou my one desire
And when this goal
I do aquire
Then come
And fill my troubled heart
With earthly love
That's blessed from above
Grant this hope
In me which is fleeting
That though this frail heart
May quake within
For thy sake grant it me
For that which is good
And pleasing to thee
May it yet be found
In time for me
And though I know
Not the day it come
I pray it too may draw
Me nearer to you
For in its lesson find
A picture of thy love in kind
For earthly joys are but
An eloquent breeze
Which warms and cools
A season or more
Until their light
Goes out
Yet for thy light
Which always remains
May it ever burn bright
And envelope my veins
That life eternal in it move
And spread the truth
And love it prove
-Joshua Lee Foist
Friday, February 14, 2014
Till all shall cease to be
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Be free oh fear within me be
For I cannot see what ere surrounds
Thy cords have long enshrouded me
And clouded have become my eyes to see
Where despair have thy deadened me
To life for which I've hoped to live
Yet time hath torn from me
The scorn now wrenches me
Awake oh mind
Be not silent
For I would hear
Thy cry
I will not deny
Thy gaping wound
Would hear thy voice
And find thyself
Oh come to me
That which fails to live
Oh live that way in me
That yearns to be
For fear hath long
Clung at me
And closed in
The walls
Thy heart
It hurts inside of thee
Let out thy pain
And live again
No stain concealed
No more revealed
Shall wipe thee
From acceptance
Oh hope that strives
Within to be
Be free and walk
Thy way with me
Let not thy doubts
Dissolve thy joy
Employ thy courage
And make it strong
For thy heart's song
Is thy own tune
And just as radiant
As all beside
So humble thyself
And let go thy pride
Do not hide this hope
In me confide
For I alone
Hath borne
Thy pain
I know thy sorrow
Hath borne it all
Yet here and now
The moment waits
Wait not
Ere longer
For here it lies
All moments
Within and out
Thy eyes look full
And take control
Surrender will
And heart
Be full
Thy own self
Art good enough
For I did form thee
Of myself
And none
Did form
As less than
So now find joy
In this
And no more
Be thou
Thy own significance
Is not found in others
Or accomplished things
Thy all in all
Is found
In thy artists
For only He
Made thee
What thou
Wouldst be
So now you see
Now go be free
And find thyself
Thy soul in me
-Joshua Lee Foist