Climbing the Heights

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Now no more for envy

Now no more for envy
And jealousy
Begone oh fear

Thou art a cancer
And cruel thy ways
That seek thine own

But only to fear
Thou who knowest me
And formed me
And loves me still

Thou art enough
And as for worthless
Stuff that rages for my

May my one ambition
Be thus to praise
And find my joy
In you

No other beside
Whether earthly
Treasures find
They are but fleeting

Thou art ever
As I my desires

May these fruits
Be found in me
Love, joy, and peace
Release from me

My worry
Of all that
I cannot

Grant me service
And gentleness too
That what ere may come
Thy will in me be done

-Joshua Lee Foist

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