Climbing the Heights

Saturday, April 17, 2010

May what is seen in me be as a shadow

May what is seen in me be as a shadow
For what lies within
May they not see me in my sin
Though when they do
May they see thy mercy
Found in you

May love always be
Upon my lips
In my actions
In every waking breath
Whether in life
Or death

So in this day
May thy joy be seen
May what ere be perceived
Be believed
And let none be deceived

May truth shine
For all else is worthless
May all desire and longing
Be seen in this one purpose
To live truthfully
In a manner most humbly

So when one sees
There is no doubt
They see thy light within
For this canvas
Is but crude in appearance

So may it be
May it bring hope
To the hopeless
Love to the unlovable
Forgiveness to the unforgivable

In all things
May it shine forth
That thy will
Be my will

And so till the end
Of these fleeting days
May every fiber of being
Give you praise

-Joshua Lee Foist

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