Climbing the Heights

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And to the rain

And to the rain
That settles down
From up in sky
To down below

How it washes
And cleanses
Gone away
Is the stain
That once remained

May not a cloud
Linger over
This troubled heart

But make a start
Towards that which
Is but a short span ahead

So bathe in thy wet expanse
Glory in the joys of the dance
Let it soak deep within

Showering over thy skin
May it refresh thee
Amidst thy torment
Long kept within

Yea, thy washing
Brings renewal
And in it
Some hope

For what can stop thee
From falling from the sky
Dare one stop to ask why

It shall come
And thee must learn
To let it do its work

Fight it not
For if thee do
Twill be in vain

So then remove thy pain
When thou hath not the strength
To refrain

And let it wash
Wash away
Thy doubts and fears
And leave them
To yesteryears
Ne're to remain
With thee again

-Joshua Lee Foist

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