Climbing the Heights

Friday, April 9, 2010

Create in me a curiosity for the divine

Create in me a curiosity for the divine
That all hunger in me would be thine
That in all striving I seek
After that which brings honor
To your name

As I go out
May it be in joy
May it be with love
By which I employ
In sorrows I carry
In you may I bury
All that weighs me down
In these coming days

When creative winds should blow
May they surround and inspire
That their one true desire
Would give glory
To thine giver

Might it bring a shiver
Of delight
That would sprinkle
A droplet of hope
Of the days to come

For in these momentary trials
Truth passes near
And captures us awhile
It shows us a greater picture
More vast than ever we imagined

For what troubles are of today
Are soon tomorrow gone away
And we should hope (somehow)
They've brought us closer
To a heavenly view

Where a world once broken
Is made new
And the seasons remain
Warm and refreshing

Driving away the suppressing
Sense of wonder
That so long hath
Been kept under

To break free at last
And settle what's past
And spring forth
Into ceaseless tomorrows
Where sorrows melt away
Bring us to a brighter
And fuller day

For hope is on the horizon
And it grows closer
And fuller
And deeper than ever
It warms and renews
And reminds us

There are but greater days ahead
If we but press on
Through the trials we tread
And be fed
On that which shall never pass away
But will fill us more and more
Each and every day

-Joshua Lee Foist

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