Climbing the Heights

Saturday, February 14, 2009

And so I spent my Valentine's Day

And so I spent my Valentine's Day
Working away, the early hours of the morning
And though I did spend a moment of my time
With my Valentine
It was mostly in payment of a debt
To my less than tolerant government

And these are the facts
I did pay my tax
On this fourteenth day of februare
Though I doubt they did very much care
The day in which the expense was paid
But only to hear a few more coins of copper
Fall into the coffer
Did count for them
As a day well spent

Alas, I will no longer vent
For there remain a few short hours here
And I should rather enjoy them
As Well I may
That much at least they cannot take away

So shall I retire this Valentine's
Drinking deep of the joys of life
And its richest of wines

-Joshua Lee Foist

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