Climbing the Heights

Monday, June 29, 2015

In This Hour I Wait

In this hour I wait
And my mind stands fixed
In debate

You patiently wait
Steadfast and true
You are

And once more surrender
You cause me to remember
Your grace and mercy

Tis all I ever need
In the trial I feed
On thy joy inexpressible

My hope remains
For though my desires

Yet still I endure
The momentary pain
You remain

Persecution increase
Your joy your peace

So fill me
Renew me
Conform me

To walk in the way of truth
Thy words my guide
In thee will I abide

So ere the storms that come
So sweetly sleep
Within the bowels below 

For thy peace
Hath calmed the storm
And called me out

Upon the water
To walk in faith
With thee

-Joshua Lee Foist

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