Climbing the Heights

Monday, December 26, 2011

Upon these last five minutes

Upon these last five minutes
For what shall be
Look back we
On a day
As spent

In part I do
Resent my way
Of which did err
This day

Twas selfish me
Caught in my own
Longing for what
I could not see

Yet filling
More with
My own desires
And less for those
In need

The day as past
For what it stands
Yet foolish I
Watch it go by

And I alone
And wondering
Where again shall find
When a year by chance
Should come once more

Shall I at end
Look back in vain
Upon the day
I did not gain

Humility in me
Need more to grow
And less of selfishness
For which I do adore

Should stead abhor
The thing for which I bring
And live in love and servanthood
As He for whom this day has come

May love and grace
Carry me
Beyond this day
And all the rest

May I by them
Be ever blessed
If in part I live
By heart for all
And give of me
Though small
It be

-Joshua Lee Foist

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