Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh to grace for which I scarce can face

Oh to grace for which I scarce can face
The trace of thy indescribable embrace
For that of which I trust in word
Yet fear to accept in action

And this my reaction
Cannot grace to cover my shame
Cannot grace for scars of which
I am to blame
Cannot grace by any other name
For this if grace
I must depart

For know thee deep my heart
Is torn from thee
For that which full of envy
Malice and disguise
Tis full of fury and lies

How could thy way be found in me
How canst such good o'ercome me
These words reply me
Lack they truth
For mine own action
Is its proof

And foolish is it
Full of shame
For this I am to blame
Yet why pursue
Such loss
As me

Why take up thy cross
For me
My sin repent and return
In me
Though strive I
Not enough to free

Desire is deep
Yet deep despair
Doth shroud me in
Its lair of sin

What love is this
Betrayed in kiss
Still clings to cross
Tis all for loss

My faith so faint
The trials taint
And still remain
Thee to the course
The shadow of thy cross
Doth paint the path to life

Today and what remains
In me must cling
Though all but failing
To thy faithful charge

Though grace may drag me
From despair
Tis still enough
To carry there

Yet lift my eyes
From the dust
And faithful to
Thy way may trust

For hopeless
Are mine own

Though daily
Must I repent
May this my
Steadfast joy
Be found

In he who
Blinded eye
Made see
Canst still
Those lost
As me

-Joshua Lee Foist

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