Climbing the Heights

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am too much overcome with thee

I am too much overcome with thee
It seems to be no mystery
Yet still find I misery
For all my hope rests on thee
It should not be

I have lost my love
For the one above
All others
There is no one
To compare
To such depth of love
All longing is fulfilled
In that one
Who gave all
For those who denied
For these He died
Still I am mesmerized
At times amidst such extravagance
I still lack confidence
In Him who can only love

So lost am I in my own desires
Such worthless treasures I require
Yet these fade and still sorrow
Evades such joy (I once knew)
Such longing did I pursue
Yet where are You
Oh where can You be found

And then I turn to find
Always here You are
Tis blindness hath faded You
From my view
Still always You are here
I cannot escape Your love
No, you remain
When all others have fled
You remain instead

What undeserved love is this
I know not how to repay it
For I a thief
Have stolen away
A mere counterfeit
And it has come to nothing
I wallow in my despair
Yet still steadfast
You are here
To seek and repair
Such brokenness
I cannot fathom
You are my only hope

So may I seek that which is good
As I should long for such things
May I deny all other worthless things
Only this can satisfy all longings
Whether a broken love can ever be found
In you its purpose is bound
If all this life
All have I You
It will surely do
And more
It will be true
For only need I
You are all that I require
No earthly portion
Could ever compare
So give up I
My despair
And seek only that
Which is most fair
This is my prayer

It is enough
I am overcome
With thoughts of this one
And at last
Have I found
My one desire
Tis lost in love
For You
All things have become new
And now tis only You
That I pursue

-Joshua Lee Foist

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