Climbing the Heights

Saturday, November 1, 2008

And What of November

And What of November
Will we ere remember
When the days are done
And the mind is numb
Will we remember it's sum
Or do we look to none but the days ahead

And what of them when they too are dead
What of them will be said
Must we always look ahead
And forget on what ground we tread

What is such a day
Do we keep it at bay
Or do we simply lose it to tomorrow
And away, we look on to the next day

Always moving
Never looking back
To reflect or perfect
We move without a thought in retrospect

Tis all the days while we are young
We neglect the sum
For we care not much for any one
Simply what ere may seem fun
We think none
Then all are done
Still too we are dumb

In time, it will catch us
We will not always our youth
For time is its proof
Its test of our wit
Oh had we the strength to handle it

Oh that we'd have lingered
A moment here
I fear we might have learned a thing
But what use now do these cold hands bring
Is there worth in them for any thing

Perhaps still there is but chance to will
If we will but linger still
While we but have a little strength to bear
Tis all we have while there's still time

Looking on it does
To see how we have come along
To see if we have learned how
when we are weak to become strong

Only in faith outside of ourselves
Do we find such hope to carry on
May we seek it always
While still here it remains
Or else we lose it all
When it is gone

So leave we the days that we remember
Those days of November
That once were here
And now are gone
May we reflect on them too
Before they fade from view
For once have we November
And then only we remember
For then all is gone

-Joshua Lee Foist

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