Climbing the Heights

Monday, July 4, 2016

Of Absence and Minded

Of absence and minded
I oft have been
Lost in a series
Of thoughts
That torrent

And how become
This game of words
These silent thrills
Of longing and belonging
A facade chasing after
Its own god

Yet in all the shroud
Of clouded dreams
And reality
Hope remained

You remain
Forever unchanged
By the muck of this

The silence awakes
In me a feeling of awe
And wonder

Wonder of what lies beyond
To know that this desire
Will one day
Be fulfilled

In you
No one else
Will ever do

From beginning to end
You fashioned and formed it
To be very good

And as it should
For nothing made by you
Would dare to be any less
Nor could it

Yet I a mere man
Oft lost in my own self
Remiss of this
Paradise lost

At what cost
To be found again
The plan and purpose
Still more than
Ere imagined

You have made a way
So whether in this life
Or not to be found

Your presence enough
Your life to fill
All the wake
Of time and space

You are there
In the pain
And doubt

Into it you bring
Peace that surpasses

A love withstanding
All things
Twas this
That brought

To a soul
Slipping into
The void of time
Wondering if ever
To return

And beyond
The absence of
Mind and madness
You have filled this wound
With your heart

And so make
A brand new start
For this thy glorious art
Redemption's work
In me

-Joshua Lee Foist

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