Climbing the Heights

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weep my soul in melodies of minds unknown

Weep my soul in melodies of minds unknown
Of fairs my mind can play alone
In symphonies yet sewn

Inscript my sonnet
Fit these feeble lines
That measure my
Gazesless maze

Words will wallow
In that wake
So sing my heart

In thee will
My fingers play
Recite oh
Ravishing night

That hides my cares
Aflight upon the stars
Unite my prayers
And pains requite

Tis here thy yearning
Plays its pondering prose
To a one who truly knows

Beyond the blanket bows
Where compose
These thirsting thoughts
That quench their fill
On thy open wake

Forsaking not
All thy soul hath sought
None else can know
Thy earthly woe

Sew thy soul
To this unspoken
Friend no other
Can one depend

In sorrow in song
Thy works go on
Welcome oh wrong
Or right

These words recite
For thee alone

For all that they
Would fright
Cannot know
This plight

Save this evening vigil
Where prayers
By candle light
May properly
Give flight

Oh faith may find
Thy fears to mind
No more to fain
For here thy courage
Gain in this

Thy one true name
And only fame
Shall find here
No other

Doth know
Thy wordless deeds
For them thy body

For this
Thy journey

Where no other
Soul did dare
Be fed

For hollow
Thy stomach
And gape
Thy painful

Did bear
Them all
Its cross

To carry
Thy worries

That in
Thy shallow prayer
May find thy sweet
Surrender there

Where eyes
May strain to see
Thy hope thy one
Sure found

No other
Can truly know
As him who
Thy sorrow
Hath been

That thou
In his joy

A love
By human

-Joshua Lee Foist

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