Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When all life's rough and qualm

When all life's rough and qualm
Doth seem to embalm
This tattered soul
To its bitter end

May this one hope
Remain through all
The doubt and shame
Thy truth thy love
Tis better still
Than all the rest

To but hide all sorrows
And fears that plague
Throughout the years
Upon thy breast

Thy joy doth beat
Steadily within
No other strength
Can carry

When all reason
Has this mind
May this soul
In thy full
Be taken

Whether in good or ill
May this troubled heart
Seek thee still
Through all storms
And seasons

For no other reason
Than this
Thy grace
Thy love

Canst none
All other things

Yet beyond
All yearning
A hope discerning
Seeks thee still
For thy love
Shall carry
Through all

-Joshua Lee Foist

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