Climbing the Heights

Sunday, September 16, 2012

If here lies not love

If here lies not love
Then fly from me
Oh gentle dove
For my heart
Tis fleeting

If here lies yet hope
May it rise within
And chase away
My doubt

For all my stormy days
May ever I
Give thee praise

My thoughts
Oft caught
In a mindless

When shall I see
At last beyond
The fog

The storm that's churning
In my heart concerning
My pride my will
The anger burns
In me still

Depart from me
For all eternity
Thy shroud of

Hath near in me
Save for one
Beyond thy

Hath stripped thee
Of thy disguise
And revealed
Thee before
Mine eyes

Oh let mercy
Fall afresh on me

May grace
Restore me
To that place

For evil
Hath long
In me

And nothing
Have I gain
But bitterness
And pain

Bring me
To my knees
And fill
My lips
With praise

Though for
These short
Remaining days

My evil ways
May a time

Yet may
I forgiveness

When at last
Repent my

To thee
Have full
Of me

-Joshua Lee Foist

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