Climbing the Heights

Saturday, April 16, 2011

When all such earthly treasures shall cease

When all such earthly treasures shall cease
Let this callous heart rejoice
For all such sorrows soon shall end
Yea leave them by the river bend

For all thy work and breath do bear
The blame of thine own selfish gain
So cast it to the farthest shore
Come kneel before thy blessed king

For in his eyes
Holds everything
For all tomorrow's days to come
Knows he every one

For he hath formed them
By his own hand
And hath restored
That which once
Had fled

And now by him
Once dead
Now alive forevermore
And surely shall remain

He who bore the pain
And bore the loss
Of his own son
Hath come hath come
To give life to everyone

That they may cast all earthy things aside
And in him always only abide

-Joshua Lee Foist


Anonymous said...

Hey Joshua,

Just discovered your blog and have enjoyed a quick dip in your poetry. I sense so much eternity in your words, so much longing for the Kingdom written in our hearts. Keep writing. It's beautiful stuff.

Don Stephens

audaciouslee said...


Thanks for your words of encouragement. Feel free to stay and enjoy as long as you like. And may God be glorified in what simple scribbles scatter from this troubled yet triumphant soul.
