Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I near had lost my way

I near had lost my way
As slowly saw my idols crumble
to dust and clay
Alas that was but yesterday

Spring had come
For but a brief flutter
Then flurried away
Amidst the wind and rain

The cold and icy chill
Didst knock the thrill of it
from me

Indeed my heart sank for awhile
The wonder the imagining
All forgot all turned from me
And caught in the winds of winter's misery

I heard the cold wind cry out in the night
As the sleet and snow took flight
Yet somehow in their eerie cry
Heard I something far distant still

Twas familiar yet hard to place
It carried with it a tender grace
And then began I to once more remember
That voice so fond of which I oft longed to hear

Hope in all its haunting
Had wandered in and found me
My joys and follies all once employed
Now cast from me for all annoyed

Yet in this single note didst I
Find all I'd lost and wanted most
For here had all of life began
Yes here where none could fear or trap

So free and rich and full of grace
Still wonder within wonder
Twas all embrace

And soon I learned of all my heart
So long had spurned
Yet deeper and deeper still
Had burned and yearned
And longed to fill

All and nothing else
Could so satisfy
Surrendered my soul
To its full control
And satisfied all longings
In the deepest part

And when at last my breath regained
Once more began to see the life beyond the mystery
For there once lost had now been found
Twas love in all its richest and fullest displays
For in it was found all forgiveness
All hope, all joy in part
For here had found
The deepest longings of the heart

And perfect was it
Unlike its earthly perversion known
For here in all its splendor and beauty full grown
was found
And completely and wonderfully did it abound

-Joshua Lee Foist

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