Climbing the Heights

Thursday, September 30, 2010

So long scarcely seen september

So long scarcely seen september
Of thee shall we oft remember
Though faded find thy fortune true
Fondly still think we of you

The passing moments had there pleasures
Thy brighter days filled with treasures
Cool came the breeze
That drew us in
Now shall we again
Bid thee farewell

Yet before thee depart
Know that in this troubled heart
Lies yet still thy momentary bliss
A season of this a season shall miss

So may thy journey outward
Be one of glory too
As that day in which
We received you

And so bid we
On thy way
May thy final rays
Bring us still
Brighter days

For summer hath ceased
And autumn released
In spender september
Shall we always remember

-Joshua Lee Foist

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