Climbing the Heights

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On these passing moments that remain

On these passing moments that remain
How shall one spend the time
May it not be in vain
As one watches the falling rain
Drift slowly down the window pane
Trickling down
Washing away the last moments of the day

Here in this place
One pauses to reflect
On what has been
Just before
And thinks on
That which could be
Yet still presently
In the now
One cannot hide

So now to dwell within
That which is
And is (or may) yet be
But for the now
Of which one plainly sees
May it be profoundly

So as to remember it by
Whether tomorrow should come
Or pass one by
May these moments of certainty
Remain throughout all the days
That this life shall live

And so in them
Give the best
And the most
That as one is so blessed
May those round too
Be a part in that
Which is most
Joyously spent

-Joshua Lee Foist

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