Climbing the Heights

Monday, July 5, 2010

What in light we plainly see

What in light we plainly see
In shadow but a dimmed mystery
For what once revealed
Hath now begun to fade
What once in time did shine
Hath now sought its solitude in shade

No more the day shall see
For now the night
Hath come to be

And how long we cannot know
Twill the moon still shine
Shall it reveal in its glow
What little we yet do not know

Ah to be once more
When all was clear
So dimmed the darkness
Deep within

Doth poison the mind
That once freely
Did wander

Now only the night
Does it find
Its appetite

In sunlight
Starves til end of day
When it once more
Steals away

And makes its meal
On the melancholy
Of its dismal day

Shall it ere be
Shall this shadow
Cease in sorrow
Ere come tomorrow

Till night doth yield
Its deeds of yesterday
Then perchance
May it be a brighter day

-Joshua Lee Foist

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