Climbing the Heights

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wish not for any other life

Wish not for any other life
But the life thee call thine own
And be no other person
But the person thee were meant to be

Fear not the days ahead
Or despise those thee hath already tread
For what can any worry accomplish
In the short second span of life

Learn the lessons laid out for you
Yet think not long on them
That they may cause thee too much strife
Strive for the best that in you can be

And trust beyond what stories lie ahead
Live and love
Listen and learn

May thee feed on the wisdom found in failing
Refreshen thy focus on thy goal ahead

And so then live
Live to love
Love thyself
And all others too

Give of thyself
Complete and true
Unselfishly serving
For love alone

Twill bind all that is broken
In kind
And bring restoration
To any it find

So shall thee walk
And lead such a life
That will be full
Of joy and harmony
For all thy days of life

-Joshua Lee Foist

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