Climbing the Heights

Monday, November 2, 2009

Come to me by evening light

Come to me by evening light
And you may find some rare delight
Yet come to me in early morn
And then I fear you'll find my scorn

Engage the night while still tis born
And forget the morn
From which I was torn

Linger not long
That thee might wake the dawn
For yet again thee shall invoke all wrong

And wrath in me
Tis a bitter eternity
From which all men should flee

These moments are few
That I spend with you
Though they too
Make their do

So when thee come
If thee come
Tell not everyone

But come in the early eve of night
And there all wrong in me 
Shall be made right

For you may find yet still
Some trace of delight
While still remains
It the eve of night

- Joshua Lee Foist  

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