Climbing the Heights

Friday, November 27, 2009

You awaken in me new life

You awaken in me new life
And calm all sorrows and all strife
You cut through the darkness within
And bring in the light

Its warmth surrounds and heals
The wounds within my soul
I feed on its tender touch
That comforts my aching heart

This love I never knew
Is only found here with you
Draw me to you and never let me go
My one and only desire is here
By your side

Eagerly I await
When we shall meet again
Once more
I feel your warmth
Upon the waters
Within the sun that is rising

Upon the wind
Or in the rain
That washes away the pain
In the ominous fog
Which settles down upon the earth

I am captured in its majestic array
Here in this still and quiet
You steal me away
Before the waking of the day

Here I come to listen and to pray
You draw me in
With you beauty
With your grace
For here tis heaven
And embrace
I shall cling to you

For what storms
Can take me from this place
What mountain or wave
Can take me from your love

No shadow or season
Bares reason
To remain
If not for you
Who know them all
By name

So here I shall stay
Though all the world
May waste away
Still here I shall remain
Till my life is void
And I am caught up in
Your currents
Which draw me
Deeper and deeper within
To your heavenly shores
Where I shall at last
Rest and remain ever by your side

-Joshua Lee Foist

Friday, November 20, 2009

The road which lies ahead before me

The road which lies ahead before me
This path untread where no footprints hath led
All is full of wide imaginings
Such wonder and expectation
The great destination unknown
And this only the beginning

Where shall I journey out from this place
Where might I wander but a step to the left or right
Soon all origin is out of sight
And what lies ahead is sheer delight

This winding path
Where might it lead
Shall I journey far and wide
Across this vast countryside

Ah, tis pleasant here
By this bubbling brook
To look beneath thy depths below
How thy belly doth seem to grow
On and on without end

Lost in eternity
Tis a life worth living
Where time is timeless
Yet full of meaning

Here might I stay a moment
Or a year
What's to fear
To stay awhile
And watch these currents collide
Across to the other side

Tis beauty there
Upon thy banks
Spread open wide
They beckon me to their side

And I think I shall let them
Carry me in to shore
Where I shall get to know thee
A little more

Tis here that I adore
Here where life is growing
All around

This journey is bound to be full
Filled with endless possibilities
I cannot describe or here imagine
How it may begin
Or where it shall lead

But I do know
That it shall surely be
Worth all of eternity
To rest here in this place
Here and now

To be here
Among such beauty and grace
To journey into that kingdom
Just across the eastern shore

Moment of moment
And day of day
Doth beckon me away
To its wondrous shore

Tis there I shall journey
A little more
Deeper and deeper in
I journey
Farther than the moment before

I cannot keep away
For I long for it more and more
Each passing moment
Of every day

Tis there that life
Was meant to be lived
Freely and full
Without thought
Or self control

Rest is found
In these rich
Refreshing lands

Tis here where life began
And tis here it shall ever be
Throughout all of time
And all eternity

-Joshua Lee Foist

Friday, November 13, 2009

Come now ye autumn sun

Come now ye autumn sun
Shine down on everyone
Flutter and fall upon
These dying leaves

And grant them rest
As they descend
Down trunk and barren branch

Glow as thee wither away
From golden to amber
And umber
Thee under this tenebrous tree

So settle thee in
The earth again
And cease thy sorrow
Come peace tomorrow

For here thee lie
Awhile a day
Upon the ground
Here ever to stay

-Joshua Lee Foist

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Now to the dawn

Now to the dawn
Before it descends upon
The break of day

So sweet and soft
Thee flutter aloft
Before thy colors awake

Stillness shades
These grassy blades
Before dispensing its dew

So silence reigneth over you
With all reverence
Reserved in thy presence

The dawn doth adorn
In the early morn
And wash thee in its rainbow showers

Soft and still
It soothes thy solace
And slowly settles in

Drink in the dawn
Before its gone
To day (it steals away)

So in the early morning hours
Rest in thy glorious streams and showers
As thee wake the day
With thy splendorous array

-Joshua Lee Foist

Monday, November 2, 2009

Come to me by evening light

Come to me by evening light
And you may find some rare delight
Yet come to me in early morn
And then I fear you'll find my scorn

Engage the night while still tis born
And forget the morn
From which I was torn

Linger not long
That thee might wake the dawn
For yet again thee shall invoke all wrong

And wrath in me
Tis a bitter eternity
From which all men should flee

These moments are few
That I spend with you
Though they too
Make their do

So when thee come
If thee come
Tell not everyone

But come in the early eve of night
And there all wrong in me 
Shall be made right

For you may find yet still
Some trace of delight
While still remains
It the eve of night

- Joshua Lee Foist  

Frustrations, they take their tole

Frustrations, they take their tole
And all too oft I must play the role
Of competent, though in truth I am
Rather cold and callous

Here I linger in my palace of rage
Waiting for that lonely age
Where all will bend to my will
Yet still I am discontent

I am outstretched and worn
Restless and torn
From all humanity
In my quiet insanity
I bleed out all of self desire
For what remains I must retire

For they conspire against me
And truly are my enemy
I long to get away
For even a moment or a day

To find that quiet place
Where one can respite
In peace and find a remnant
Of grace

Though at times I fear
I may never again
See thy face
All I remember
Is but a trace

And soon tis lost
In this waste

Oh take me from this place
To a world yet born
Where beauty and grace
May thee yet still adorn

For here I remain
To weep and to morn
But thy kingdom of hope
Is the only rope
Which may save
And pull me from this plague

I need thee
In this hour
Surround me in thy shower
That I may feel the rain
Wash away all the doubt and pain

Such pleasant washing
I long to be cleansed
Of all fear and failure
That in time
I may come to thy gate
Rich and full
And resting
In thy tender

-Joshua Lee Foist

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Now November hath remembered

Now November hath remembered
And returned yet once more
I oft enjoy thy seasoned stay
Though thee remain
At most a month

I find thy entrance
Most alluring
As thee add an hour
Upon thy morning break

As if for heaven's sake
To give thy company
An extended rest
Before they awake
Or dawn doth break

So descends thy starry host
And makes its boast
Upon the eve of dawn
And slowly passes on
What remains of fall
Within thy seasoned hall

Thy colors so rich
Thy beauty beyond compare
I oft love to stop and stare (awhile)
Perchance I shall not behold thee
Within a second glance

And so my softened eyes
Dance round thy pleasant skies
And drink in thy charms
As if to hold within these arms
A little while
Thy tender grace and style

Yea shall I embrace
Thy rosy colors
Full and fluttering
Round thy amber gates

For beyond in darkness
Slowly waits
The fall of autumn
And the wasting away
Of the winter day

Yet before
We close that solemn door
Let us journey still
Awhile more

May we rejoice
In thy beauty rich
Which thee generously
Do employ

So seasoned with thy joy
I shall remain awhile
Within to indulge
In thy glorious array
While still tis called

Joshua Lee Foist