Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So sit I here intently and still

So sit I here intently and still
Gazing into what my heart longs to feel
This touch, this ache
And panic in me doth hesitate

For I approximate
What desire in me
Cannot fully create
I linger in this pool
Where pleasures
Are but tattered treasures
Void of their value and virtue

Once this rose did bud and blossom
But now tis torn
By its thorn
Forgotten and forlorn

In these quiet moments
My heart doth soften
And shed all this doubt
And delusion
From callous and confusion
And long for some conclusion
Some hope that may lie ahead

Where to these waters
I can tread
Where I can quench
The thirst within
It doth beckon me
With its sweet savory substance

To come take my fill
To be full
And satisfied
Forever in its drink

May this heart
Oft diluted
By the dismal decay
Of the day
Come quickly away
And seek for that
Which will not
Pass away

Yes rush
To those streams
Where one's broken dreams
Are reborn
Where all longing
Finds release
As it rests
In this quiet peace
Here beside these
Reviving waters

-Joshua Lee Foist

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