Climbing the Heights

Monday, January 19, 2009

Here I sit in wondermeant

Here I sit in wondermeant
As I contemplate
What things may lie ahead

I cannot say
What a day may hold
Or an hour
Or a moment
Will unfold

Yet still
As I gaze out
From my window pane
I gain a sense
Of what could be
And what might be
Or in some sense
Should be

The future lies before us
And we are much amazed by it
For at times as though all time
Stood still
And we had but the will
To turn things as we'd see fit
If for but a moment of it

To get the stuff
Deep down inside
And take it with us
To spread a little here
Or a little there

Oh what we could do with time
If we had but a moment with it
To do as we'd see fit

Yet though it is outside our control
We still have the wisdom
And foresight
To plan what course
We may so desire

And even still
We hearken not to our own will
But to one much greater than ourselves
For this one knows the very motives
That lie behind each choice
It is this one that did call
All into existence with
A loud and glorious voice

So as I gaze out into
These future days
And ponder
And amaze
At what might be
May I seek the council
Of one who has made
Each and every one

For with such wisdom as this
One might even privilege
At a glimpse of what lies beyond
The ocean and mountains of this place
And might for but a moment
See into the gardens and fountains
Of that country that lies
But a distance of space and time
From our own

And if one is so privy
May they not look with envy
But joyous delight
Upon that which surely will be
In the future one day they will see
All that should be
When all is made right
And pleasing
In the great creator's sight

For it is he who determines what shall be
Whether a storm or a calm at sea
Though to our kind
It is a mystery
Such a thing he holds in his hand
And beckons at his command

Indeed one day
All will stand
In his presence
Those both good and evil
Will kneel
In that place
And he shall call
All who are his own
To come home
And all those unrepentant
Of sin
He shall deny them in

But yet still
While the future lies ahead
May we be fed
On the words
Of that great one's own son
May we indeed all come
Who are heavy laden
And come find our rest
In him who gave his life
To end all our wandering and strife
That we might find new life in him
Who has called us kin

Indeed may we
Repent of our sin
And enter in
To such fellowship
In that place
Which lies beyond
The senses
Of this place

And may we
In these few remaining days ahead
With all passion and zeal
Live such a life
That would inspire
And point toward
That one
That indeed
All would come
And be freed
From sin
May they long
For him
And him alone
Who calls each one
To come home

-Joshua Lee Foist

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