Of oft I do obsess
Over things I cannot have
Whether now or ever
May wait and see
Yet for the present presently
Why can't I find the courage
To simply be who I am
Meant to be
Most positively life
And all it's many twists
And turns will teach
If ere our hearts would learn
To trust that which does not
Change nor tarnish nor rust
For that is the only hope
Of which we must
All our lives depend
Our one and dearest friend
Who despite our many doubts
And fears will love us
Through the passing years
Till all our will is broken
That we might turn
To Him who has spoken
Life itself into existence
Is not all of life a waste
If not at last to have found
Our one and only true love
In our eternal father
Up above
For He will ere prevail
Though all our best
Attemps should fail
His ways are just
In Him and Him alone
Must we trust
If we have any hope at all
Let it be in Him who it gave all
For one so small
That they might know
True life abundant
In Him who was
And is triumphant
Ruler over all
-Joshua Lee Foist